Displaying 2526 - 2550 of 5212
Appeals Court Upholds Clean-Up Zone for Dallas-Fort Worth Area Air Pollution
June 2, 2015 | Tomás Carbonell, Senior Counsel and Director for Regulatory PolicyD.C. Circuit Court of Appeals rules in favor of EPA in Dallas-Fort Worth air pollution case -
Statement of EDF President Fred Krupp on oil & gas CEOs calling for carbon pricing
June 1, 2015 | Fred Krupp, PresidentEDF is pleased to see this public statement of support for a price on carbon. Let’s get on with the urgent business at hand: turning the corner toward climate stability. -
House Votes to Destabilize U.S. Fisheries
June 1, 2015The House of Representatives put our proud record of success in U.S. fisheries management at risk tonight by passing HR1335. -
Campbell Soup Company joins EDF initiative to reduce environmental impact of food production
June 1, 2015EDF is collaborating with Campbell's to improve water quality and reduce GHG emissions by optimizing fertilizer use and improving soil conservation in the company's wheat sourcing areas. -
Opening of Hurricane Season a Timely Reminder of Urgent Need for Coastal Restoration
May 28, 2015The start of the 2015 hurricane season is a powerful reminder of the need to restore Louisiana’s coastal wetlands to better protect our communities. -
Federal agencies embark on largest-ever wildlife conservation effort on public lands
May 28, 2015 | Eric Holst, Associate Vice President, Natural Climate SolutionsThe 11-state strategy recognizes stakeholder-led habitat exchanges as a mitigation option for greater sage-grouse -
Diane Regas Named Executive Director of Environmental Defense Fund
May 28, 2015 | Diane Regas, Executive DirectorDiane Regas Named Executive Director of Environmental Defense Fund -
Texas Takes Positive Step toward Realizing Its Solar Potential
May 27, 2015 | John Hall, Former Director, Regulatory & Legislative AffairsTexas Takes Positive Step toward Realizing Its Solar Potential -
World’s carbon markets case studies highlight different models of emissions trading
May 27, 2015 | Gernot Wagner, ConsultantCarbon markets around the world are continuing to expand and gather momentum, as countries opt for market-based carbon pricing systems that are tailored to suit the national circumstances. -
Federal Appeals Court Backs EPA Plan to Reduce Air Pollution from Power Plants in Kansas
May 26, 2015 | Tomás Carbonell, Senior Counsel and Director for Regulatory PolicyD.C. Circuit Court rules in favor of EPA on Cross-State Air Pollution Rule case in Kansas -
Conservation Groups Commend Congressional Funding of Louisiana Coastal Restoration Projects
May 21, 2015The U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations included critical funding for the Louisiana Coastal Area Program in its Fiscal Year 2016 Energy and Water Development Appropriations bill. -
NOAA Study Confirms BP Oil Spill Led to Dolphin Deaths in Northern Gulf of Mexico
May 20, 2015Today, NOAA released a peer-reviewed study confirming that the 2010 Gulf oil disaster contributed to an increase in dolphin deaths in northern Gulf of Mexico. -
STUDY: Will Switch From Diesel Trucks to Natural Gas Reduce Greenhouse Impact?
May 19, 2015 | Ramon Alvarez, Associate Chief ScientistUnless gas value chain leaks are fixed, climate effects will worsen. Vehicle suppliers, fleet operators and policymakers should look to upstream cleanup. -
Ambitious climate commitments by states and provinces set strong example for Paris
May 19, 2015 | Fred Krupp, PresidentA dozen states and provinces representing 100 million people from 7 countries committed to dramatically reduce their greenhouse gas emissions through subnational governments' "Under 2 MOU" -
Bold New Rule Cuts Oil and Gas Air Pollution in Wyoming
May 19, 2015 | Jon Goldstein, Associate Vice President, Energy TransitionWyoming addresses regional ozone pollution by cutting emissions at existing oil and gas facilities -
HCR1 Passes Legislature, Funding 2015-2016 Coastal Annual Plan
May 19, 2015Leading conservation groups praise passage of Louisiana House Concurrent Resolution 1, which provides funding for the state's 2015-2016 coastal annual plan. -
Colorado governor enlists habitat exchanges to benefit sage-grouse and economy
May 15, 2015 | Eric Holst, Associate Vice President, Natural Climate SolutionsEDF, industry and agriculture partners help Colorado conserve sage-grouse, secure more prosperous future -
Letter to Gov. Abbott from TX Environmental Groups on Bill Limiting Texans’ Ability to Protect Their Property, Health
May 15, 2015 | Jim Marston, Former Vice President, Political AffairsLetter to Gov. Abbott from TX Environmental Groups on Bill Limiting Texans’ Ability to Protect Their Property, Health -
EDF Teams With Google Earth Outreach to Map and Measure Underground Methane Leaks from Southern California’s Natural Gas System
May 14, 2015 | Timothy O'Connor, Former Senior Director and Senior Attorney, Energy Transition StrategyInitiative Highlights Hidden Climate Risk, Reveals Untapped Opportunity; Online Maps Will Help Utilities, Regulators Accelerate System Upgrades -
Statement of EDF Lead Senior Scientist Dr. Richard Denison on Environment and the Economy Subcommittee Markup of the TSCA Modernization Act of 2015
May 14, 2015 | Richard Denison, Former Lead Senior ScientistStatement of EDF Lead Senior Scientist Dr. Richard Denison on Environment and the Economy Subcommittee Markup of the TSCA Modernization Act of 2015 -
Smart Grid Today Names EDF’s Dick Munson a Smart Grid Pioneer of 2015
May 13, 2015 | Dick Munson, Director, Regulatory & Legislative AffairsEDF statement from Cheryl Roberto, Associate Vice President, Clean Energy -
Environmental Defense Fund Welcomes New Clean Energy Idea Bank Senior Director
May 11, 2015Environmental Defense Fund Welcomes New Clean Energy Idea Bank Senior Director -
EDF Welcomes 14 Additional Cosponsors of the Lautenberg Act
May 7, 2015 | Richard Denison, Former Lead Senior Scientist14 more Senators are cosponsoring Lautenberg's Chemical Safety Act -
Texas Senate Committee Forsakes Flexibility of Clean Power Plan, Invites Federal Plan
May 5, 2015 | Kate Zerrenner, Senior Manager, Energy-Water InitiativesEDF statement from Kate Zerrenner, Project Manager, Clean Energy -
Supreme Court Decision to Review Important Demand Response Case a Step in the Right Direction
May 4, 2015 | Michael Panfil, Senior Director and Lead Counsel of Climate Risk & Clean PowerSupreme Court Decision to Review Important Demand Response Case a Step in the Right Direction