(HARRISBURG, Pa — July 27, 2017) The Pennsylvania Senate today approved a plan to balance the state’s budget, which includes taxing the state’s natural gas drilling.

“The natural gas severance tax supported by Gov. Tom Wolf trades away vital clean air and water protections for Pennsylvanians while coming nowhere near closing the budget gap. The governor has also bowed to industry pressure to fast-track natural gas development irrespective of any harmful impacts to our air and water.”

“Gov. Wolf was elected after promising to get serious about protecting Pennsylvanians from the impacts of natural gas drilling. Instead of fulfilling that promise, he continues to bargain away clean air and water protections in exchange for pitiful concessions from industry.”

“Gov. Wolf should know that we do not have to choose between a strong economy and a healthy environment. With the General Assembly attempting to stack the deck to block essential environmental protections, it’s time for the governor to stop the double-dealing and get to work on honoring the promises he made to his constituents. Clean air and water are not negotiable.”

                                         - Dan Grossman, National Director of State Programs, Oil & Gas

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(412) 996-4112
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(512) 691-3439