(Harrisburg, PA) The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will unveil additional details about a new proposal to reduce emissions from natural gas facilities across the state. The draft expands requirements that currently apply only to new natural gas projects to include thousands of existing facilities as well.

DEP will discuss the proposal with the Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee at a public meeting tomorrow. The draft is expected to open for public comment early in 2019.

A study earlier this year found Pennsylvania oil and gas companies emit five times more methane pollution than they report to the state. Methane is the main component of natural gas, a fact that makes emissions a problem for both the environment and the economy.

“Governor Wolf’s leadership on methane and his recent victory at the polls confirm once again that Pennsylvanians want sensible protections from oil and gas pollution. The proposal to bring thousands of existing oil and gas facilities under sensible safeguards will help ensure that communities across the state enjoy cleaner, healthier air, and serves as a crucial backstop against efforts in Washington to undue core climate protections.”

  • Fred Krupp, President, Environmental Defense Fund

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