"Secretary Zinke's time at the Department of the Interior was marked by threats to our public lands and endangered species, attempts to increase pollution, and serious ethical questions. He has been a part of an administration that has no respect for America's natural resources and cultural heritage, and he consistently reflected that position.

"Since the day in March of 2017 when President Trump signed a reckless executive order on energy extraction, the Interior Department has pursued oil, gas and mining expansion at the expense of public health, vital wildlife habitat, and treasured landscapes.

"I am not confident that anyone can fulfill the responsibilities of the Interior Secretary to protect our federal lands, so long as the Trump administration is willing to ignore the pleas of westerners, tribes, and countless other Americans, and instead favor the short-term interests of a few deep-pocketed industry lobbyists.

"The Senate should insist that any nominee commit to protecting our natural heritage instead of powerful special interests."

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Keith Gaby
(202) 572- 3336