The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) praised the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) today for voting to improve transportation for the transit dependent and low income people of color in its 20-year regional transportation plan.

SCAG, a regional government organization, took steps in the plan to make transportation fair and equal to all Southern California residents. The organization voted to set goals in the plan to meet the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits adverse disparate impacts against people of color as well as intentional discrimination. SCAG is also committed to improving bus service that will help low income communities of color. SCAG, an association of city and county governments in a six-county region in Southern California, prepares regional policies and action plans that address issues that cross local boundaries, such as transportation and air quality.

“Low income and minority communities do not have adequate access to jobs, loved ones, doctors, food stores, churches, parks and other basic needs of life that many of us take for granted,” said EDF senior attorney, Robert Garc

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