The Trump administration announced today it has formally notified the United Nations that the United States will withdraw from the Paris climate agreement. The withdrawal would take effect on Nov. 4, 2020. 

“The landmark Paris Agreement was a good deal for the United States and the climate the day it was signed, and it remains a good deal for the United States and the climate. If anything has changed since the president first announced his intentions in 2017, it’s that we have even more evidence that the climate crisis is upon us and that American voters are increasingly saying climate action is a priority for them, too. 

“The Paris Agreement was made possible through U.S. leadership. By withdrawing, the United States abandons its allies in the fight against climate change. It’s yet another instance of Trump acting counter to U.S. interest in foreign policy. He’s sacrificing a stable future for our children to serve his narrow political interests. But the truth is the American people want action to solve climate change. It’s another reckless decision that threatens our economy and our future prosperity.

“By moving to pull the United States out of the agreement, Trump is walking away from American leadership on one of the most pressing crises of our time, and turning his back on the economic opportunities that climate leadership can offer.”

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Jennifer Andreassen Burke
+1 (202) 288 4867