(SALT LAKE CITY – Jan. 3, 2018) – The Utah Department of Environmental Quality finalized new standards today to modernize and improve regulation of smog-forming emissions from the state’s oil and gas facilities. 

“Oil and gas pollution is the number one ozone contributor in Northeastern Utah’s Uintah basin; reducing these emissions is critical in order to protect public health. Modernizing oversight of the oil and gas industry is the right move by the Department of Environmental Quality, but the state missed a huge economic opportunity by failing to include measures that reduce methane, both a potent greenhouse gas and an important energy source. More can and should be done to cut methane waste and pollution and we look forward to continuing to work with DEQ to address harmful and wasteful emissions in the Uintah basin going forward.”

•    Jon Goldstein, Director of Regulatory and Legislative Affairs, EDF Oil and Gas Program 

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Kelsey Robinson
(512) 291-3404