(Cheyenne, Wyoming – October 28, 2015)The Wyoming Outdoor Council and Environmental Defense Fund released the following statements today as the Wyoming Air Quality Board considered new statewide air quality requirements for the oil and gas industry today in Cheyenne. While the board took no formal action today, the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality committed to action on the proposal by the end of the year and follow up to address leaks soon. 

“These revisions for oil and gas production facilities in the statewide area are important and needed. Since the start of 2014 more than 80 percent of the newly permitted oil and gas wells were approved in the eastern half of the state, yet these counties have had the weakest air quality rules. These actions will improve requirements on truck loading, completions and tanks. However, further action to institute a strong leak detection and repair program is necessary to complete the job.”

  •  Bruce Pendery, Chief Legal Counsel, Wyoming Outdoor Council

“Wyoming is making important step toward a better, more level playing field for air quality across the state, but unfortunately it is only a step. One of the largest sources of oil and gas related air pollution in the state – equipment leaks – has been left unaddressed. Quarterly leak inspections are a hallmark of the strong air quality program Wyoming has developed in the Upper Green River Basin and should be applied in the statewide area as well. We look forward to working with the Air Quality Division and industry in the months ahead to make a strong, sensible program for finding and fixing leaks at oil and gas sites a reality across Wyoming.”

  • Jon Goldstein, Senior Energy Policy Manager, Environmental Defense Fund

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(307) 349-7288