Courtney Grimes
Atmospheric Scientist
Areas of expertise:
Atmospheric chemistry, air quality monitoring, aerosols, emissions, community engagement.
Dr. Grimes works as atmospheric scientist where she conducts research on the spatial patterns of air pollution and their emission sources. She provides expertise on enhanced air pollution monitoring and works with different environmental justice groups in their air quality efforts.
Courtney received her PhD in Chemistry with a focus in atmospheric chemistry from the University of Maryland, College Park. Prior to that, she received her Bachelor of Science from Hofstra University. Before EDF, she worked in the Air Quality Division of the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) in Washington, DC, where she analyzed monitoring data and forecasted pollutants in the District.
PhD in Chemistry at University of Maryland, College Park
BS in Chemistry at Hofstra University
Grimes, C., Conny, J., Dickerson, R.R., Evaluation of Thermal Optical Analysis (TOA) using an aqueous binary mixture (Just Accepted 2020), Atmospheric Environment.
Grimes, C., Dickerson, R.R., Evaluation of a filter-based black carbon (BC) instrument using pure and coated BC and brown carbon (BrC) surrogates (Just Accepted 2020), Aerosol Science and Technology.
Zangmeister, C. D., Grimes, C., Dickerson, R. R., & Radney, J. G. (2019). Characterization and Demonstration of a Black Carbon Aerosol Mimic for Instrument Evaluation. Aerosol Science and Technology, 1-15.
Ren, X., Hall, D.L., Vinciguerra, T., Benish, S.E., Stratton, P.R., Ahn, D., Hansford, J.R., Cohen, M.D., Sahu, S., He, H. and Grimes, C., 2019. Methane emissions from the Marcellus Shale in Southwestern Pennsylvania and Northern West Virginia based on airborne measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(3), pp.1862-1878.