EDF experts have a long history of working with fishermen and fishery managers to restore US fisheries. Overfishing has dropped 60% in federal waters since 2000; and better management is providing more stable fishing jobs and increased revenue.

We are proud to have helped spur significant advances in sustainability. Red snapper populations in the Gulf of Mexico are now three times the size they were in 2007, when we helped reform that fishery, and in 2014 the Marine Stewardship Council acknowledged the results of our work on the West Coast when it certified 13 species of Pacific groundfish as sustainable.

We see a future in which fishermen are better off because US fisheries are flourishing, providing a stable and healthy source of food and recreation, and a safe, profitable, and long-term means of making a living across the country.

Our works focuses on three key regions in the United States.

U.S. regions where we work

  • New England »

    Working with fishermen to rebuild fisheries and improve science

  • Gulf of Mexico »

    Working toward sustainable solutions that improve fishing

  • Pacific »

    Making sure everyone benefits from a successful recovery

Learn more about our fishing work on our EDFish blog

Our sustainable fishing experts