Displaying 1 - 25 of 74
India's Dairy Future: Aligning Livelihoods, Growth, and Climate Solutions
December 19, 2024The dairy sector plays a vital role in India's economy, serving as a key driver of rural livelihoods and agricultural growth.More on:
Opinion: To keep Thanksgiving affordable, we must help farmers adjust to more extreme weather
November 26, 2024 | Britt Groosman, Vice President, Agriculture, Water and FoodAmerica’s farms and food are on the frontlines of more extreme weather. We owe it to farmers, ranchers and families to make food production more resilient.More on:
Enhancing federal cost savings: electronic monitoring and reporting in U.S. fisheries
October 31, 2024A changing climate requires more adaptive fisheries management and better tools for collecting data and making decisions.More on:
Quota allocation policies in U.S. federal fisheries management and implications for climate resilience
October 31, 2024Managers must establish controls that maintain sustainability as stocks experience climate-driven shifts in their productivity and distribution.More on:
Citizen science to support climate-ready management of united states fisheries
October 31, 2024The strong record of sustainable fisheries management in the US is being challenged by the rapid, widespread and unpredictable impacts of climate change.More on:
Toward Climate-Ready Fisheries
October 31, 2024Nearly 50 years ago, United States lawmakers took action to protect fishery resources by establishing a comprehensive federal fishery management system.More on:
Best practices for equitable, just, and climate-resilient fisheries
October 31, 2024Underserved fishing communities experience and are the least able to withstand severe impacts on their livelihoods, infrastructure and well-being.More on:
Fact sheet
What Will We Grow Here? An Analysis of Candidate Species for Open Ocean Aquaculture in the United States (White Paper)
October 4, 2024EDF report explores how open ocean aquaculture can increase domestic seafood production while highlighting species most likely to thrive in offshore environments.More on:
What Will We Grow Here? An Analysis of Candidate Species for Open Ocean Aquaculture in the United States (White Paper)
October 4, 2024EDF report explores how open ocean aquaculture can increase domestic seafood production while highlighting species most likely to thrive in offshore environments.More on:
Unleashing Advances in Science, Technology, and Artificial Intelligence to Support Sustainable Open Ocean Aquaculture in the US (White Paper)
October 4, 2024This White Paper explores developments in science and technology that could support a sustainable, competitive open ocean aquaculture industry in the United States Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).More on:
Preventing and Managing Disease (White Paper)
October 4, 2024EDF is working to build support among ocean, coastal, and seafood stakeholders and policy makers to establish a rigorous, science-based environmental and social regulatory framework that provides a predictable environment for business investment, protects ocean health, and supports equitable outcomes for coastal communities and individuals working throughout the seafood industry.More on:
Managing Risks from Escaped Fish (White Paper)
October 4, 2024This EDF white paper draws conclusions primarily from the escapes of marine finfish farmed in their current natural range or their native ocean basin that would be relevant to marine species and operations expected to be reared in U.S. offshore waters.More on:
Aquaculture Feed (White Paper)
October 4, 2024Growing a sustainable U.S. aquaculture sector to meet that projected demand will require focusing on the sustainability of the feed that supplies 70 percent of farmed seafood globally.More on:
Sustainability considerations for the expansion of U.S. open ocean aquaculture
June 14, 2024This EDF white paper draws conclusions primarily from the escapes of marine finfish farmed in their current natural range or their native ocean basin that would be relevant to marine species and operations expected to be reared in U.S. offshore waters.More on:
National Aquaculture Report (2024)
June 6, 2024A recent poll conducted by Environmental Defense Fund and Global Strategy Group shows that voters overwhelmingly support doing research into aquaculture to understand its benefits and risks and set the appropriate standards.More on:
Climate-smart livestock at Climate Week NYC 2023: Farmer presentation
May 3, 2024Meghan Hauser — owner of Table Rock Farm — provides insight into her experience working as a dairy farmer in Western New as part of a series of climate-smart agriculture sessions at Climate Week NYC 2023.More on:
Strategic roadmaps for SBTi forest, land, & agriculture targets: Prioritizing action for impact
April 8, 2024Report from EDF and Deloitte examines the role of key greenhouse gases, identifies primary drivers of emissions, and recommends potential abatement solutions for six primary Forest, Land, and Agriculture (FLAG commodities – beef, dairy, chicken, corn, soy, and wheat in an effort to help companies develop plans to work towards achieving the target reductions.More on:
EDF explains: The untapped potential of blue foods
March 8, 2024 | Karly Kelso, Director, Climate Resilient Food SystemsEDF’s Karly Kelso discusses the importance of supporting aquatic food systems, and how they can help sustainably feed the world.More on:
EDF explains: The untapped potential of blue foods
February 4, 2024Blue foods, seafood and aquatic plants, can help sustainably feed the world.More on:
Extreme heat’s impacts on farm financial outcomes in Kansas
January 26, 2024Environmental Defense Fund, Cornell University, and Kansas State University studied how severe weather financially impacts Kansas farms and how management choices and government programs mitigate the negative impacts. The study used a 40-year Kansas farm financial dataset and historic weather data to measure the impacts of extreme heat on gross and net farm income.More on:
Fact sheet
EDF Groundwater Management Framework
January 22, 2024Groundwater is facing unprecedented pressure from over-extraction, pollution, and climate change. EDF has developed a flexible management framework for communities to adapt in their effort to achieve sustainable groundwater use.More on:
Transforming agrifood systems amidst the climate crisis (PDF)
January 3, 2024 | Fred Krupp, PresidentThis report aims to educate, empower and mobilize diverse policymakers, private asset managers and owners, and business executives toward agrifood systems transformation with far greater and more equitably distributed health, climate and financial returns for all.More on:
Press release
COP28 Lays Foundation for Accelerated Climate Action With Much More Needing to be Done
December 13, 2023 | Angela Churie Kallhauge, Executive Vice President, ImpactCOP28 laid an important foundation and some direction on where countries, industry and civil society need to accelerate climate action. But the work following COP28 will require monumental ramp-up in ambition and collaboration to address the climate crisis. We hoped the final agreement would have given countries stronger direction toward a just and equitable transition to clean energy, including realizing the full potential of methane reductions to slow the rate of warming in the near term.More on:
Oceans Futures: Let's stop ocean conflict before it happens
December 12, 2023Launched by the World Wildlife Fund, Environmental Defense Fund, and other partners, this first-of-a-kind platform combines data from climate modeling, socioeconomics, and global fisheries to highlight hotspots of potential future ocean conflict.More on:
Blog post
New platform seeks to prevent ocean conflict in the face of climate change
December 12, 2023By Jacqui Vogel (EDF) and Dr. Sarah Glaser (WWF) Oceans are under immense threat from climate change. Around the world, oceanographic changes like melting sea ice, warming waters, sea level rise and shifting fish populations make access to marine resources more uncertain and less secure. Climate change threatens to disrupt the communities, supply chains and …More on: