Displaying 901 - 925 of 9497
From belching bovines to rainforest rescuers: The best of Vital Signs
December 14, 2023Ranging from protectors of the rain forest to cow burps, here five of the best and most popular stories from Vital Signs in 2023. -
Press release
Illinois Rejects Plans from State’s Two Largest Utilities, Requires Cost-Effective Clean Energy and Equity Upgrades
December 14, 2023 | Curt Stokes, Senior AttorneyStatement from Curt Stokes, senior attorney for Environmental Defense FundMore on:
Press release
New York Regulator Declines to Approve Gas Company Plan, Saying it Falls Short of Climate Goals
December 14, 2023Statement by Erin Murphy, Senior Attorney, Energy Markets & Utility Regulation More on:
Blog post
Anchors Aweigh: New opportunities for investors in maritime decarbonization
December 14, 2023 | Andrew Howell, Senior Director, Sustainable FinanceBy Anna Hirai, Legal & General Investment Management, and Andrew Howell, CFA, Environmental Defense Fund Aligning the maritime shipping sector with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C target requires an all-hands-on-deck approach. This includes financial institutions, given the important role that finance plays in this asset-heavy sector. Maritime shipping touches around 90% of globally traded goods and …More on:
Blog post
Dairy Methane Action Alliance: What’s Coming in 2024
December 14, 2023By Vrashabh Kapate Led by food and dairy giants the Bel Group, Danone, General Mills, Kraft Heinz, Lactalis USA, and Nestlé, as well as the Environmental Defense Fund, the Dairy Methane Action Alliance (DMAA) launched at COP28 last week in a COP Presidency event–to great global attention. These leading food companies together represent more than …More on:
Blog post
Electric truck deployments by U.S. companies grew 5 times in 2023
December 13, 2023 | Marissa Nixon, Analyst, Zero-Emission Truck InitiativeBy Marissa Nixon U.S. companies are expanding their electric vehicle fleets, and last year was monumental. An astounding 10,265 electric trucks hit the road in 2023, according to a new EDF analysis of class 2b-8 fleet announcements. EDF recently revamped the Electric Fleet Deployment & Commitment tracking tool, a public list of orders, deployments and …More on:
Blog post
One year into its cap-and-invest program, Washington state looks to build upon its landmark climate law
December 13, 2023 | Caroline Jones, Senior Analyst, U.S. ClimateResults were released today for Washington’s fourth quarterly cap-and-invest auction, which was held on December 6th. The results from this sold-out auction show continued strong demand for allowances in the program, which has brought in substantial revenue for the state of Washington to reinvest in its communities. This is the final auction of 2023, marking …More on:
Press release
COP28 Lays Foundation for Accelerated Climate Action With Much More Needing to be Done
December 13, 2023 | Angela Churie Kallhauge, Executive Vice President, ImpactCOP28 laid an important foundation and some direction on where countries, industry and civil society need to accelerate climate action. But the work following COP28 will require monumental ramp-up in ambition and collaboration to address the climate crisis. We hoped the final agreement would have given countries stronger direction toward a just and equitable transition to clean energy, including realizing the full potential of methane reductions to slow the rate of warming in the near term.More on:
Press release
SEEC Members Introduce Clean Electricity and Transmission Acceleration Act
December 13, 2023 | Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President, Political AffairsWorking alongside the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC), U.S. Reps. Sean Casten (D-IL) and Mike Levin (D-CA) yesterday introduced the Clean Electricity and Transmission Acceleration (CETA) Act, which would address some of the most urgent issues in advancing the clean energy transition. This bill will encourage the development of new transmission lines to carry renewable power where it’s needed while protecting the rights of communities to provide input on where lines are built and to benefit from their construction.More on:
Blog post
Unpacking EPA’s final methane protections
December 12, 2023 | Edwin LaMair, Attorney, U.S. Legal & RegulatoryLast week, EPA Administrator Regan announced final standards to cut methane and harmful local air pollution from both new and existing facilities in the oil and gas industry. Diverse stakeholders ranging from major oil-producing states like New Mexico to tribal air agencies to oil and gas producers and methane mitigation companies have all voiced support …More on:
Blog post
Duke Energy’s proposed investment in fossil fuels will leave customers with higher bills and more pollution
December 12, 2023 | Will Scott, Southeast Climate & Clean Energy DirectorIn the last few years, North Carolinians have seen eye-popping electricity bills. Bill increase after bill increase has compounded, resulting in 20+ percent higher monthly bills for most ratepayers in our state. The main driver? The volatile cost of natural gas, which accounts for a larger and larger portion of the energy mix that North …More on:
Press release
Clean Competition Act Would Reduce Industrial Climate Pollution
December 12, 2023 | Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President, Political AffairsSen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Rep. Suzan DelBene (D-WA) reintroduced the Clean Competition Act, which aims to reduce industrial climate pollution while strengthening the competitiveness of clean U.S. manufacturing through new incentives.More on:
Oceans Futures: Let's stop ocean conflict before it happens
December 12, 2023Launched by the World Wildlife Fund, Environmental Defense Fund, and other partners, this first-of-a-kind platform combines data from climate modeling, socioeconomics, and global fisheries to highlight hotspots of potential future ocean conflict.More on:
Blog post
New platform seeks to prevent ocean conflict in the face of climate change
December 12, 2023By Jacqui Vogel (EDF) and Dr. Sarah Glaser (WWF) Oceans are under immense threat from climate change. Around the world, oceanographic changes like melting sea ice, warming waters, sea level rise and shifting fish populations make access to marine resources more uncertain and less secure. Climate change threatens to disrupt the communities, supply chains and …More on:
Blog post
EDF’s new equity map shows state efforts to make the energy transition fairer for all
December 11, 2023(This post was written by EDF interns Cyera Charles and Remeny White) Across the U.S. states are passing laws that will ensure greater equity as we transition to a clean energy system. EDF has developed an interactive map – based on our new report, the State Climate Equity Survey – that documents states’ efforts to …More on:
Expert Voices
We can make our food supply secure to 21st century climate realities
December 11, 2023It's time to talk about developing a new approach to food production that meets the reality of our rapidly changing future.More on:
State climate equity survey: Documenting how state rules support a just and equitable energy transition
December 11, 2023Across the U.S., states are passing laws that will ensure greater equity as we transition to a clean energy system. This EDF report that documents states’ efforts to make their energy transition more equitable and healthier.More on:
Blog post
Pathways to Net Zero: Circular Economy Strategies for Climate Action
December 11, 2023A circular economy is a regenerative system in which resource input and waste, emission, and energy leakage are minimized by narrowing energy and material loops.More on:
Annual Report
2023: Global reach, local impact
December 11, 2023The consequences of climate change are being felt worldwide. That's why EDF is ramping up game-changing solutions at a global scale. -
Press release
Supreme Court Rejects Challenges to EPA’s Endangerment Finding
December 11, 2023 | Vickie Patton, General CounselIn an order issued today, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear challenges to EPA’s Clean Air Act responsibility to address climate pollution.More on:
How U.S. agriculture can adapt to escalating water risks
December 11, 2023Deepening patterns of water scarcity and excess pose a growing threat to agriculture across much of the United States. Intensifying climatic extremes — combined with accelerating disruptive human interventions including groundwater over-extraction, sprawling drainage networks and misaligned governance — are driving mounting water-related agricultural costs, particularly in midwestern and western states.More on:
Advancing food system diversification in the face of climate challenges
December 10, 2023At COP28, over 130 countries endorsed the UAE Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems, and Climate Action, marking a significant elevation of the importance of food systems for a climate-resilient future.More on:
Press release
Report: Escalating Water Risks Threaten U.S. Agriculture
December 8, 2023Deepening patterns of water scarcity and excess pose a growing threat to agriculture across much of the United States according to a new report from the Environmental Defense Fund.More on:
Scarcity and excess: Tackling water-related risks to agriculture in the United States
December 8, 2023 | Rachel O’Connor, Senior Manager, Climate Resilient Water SystemsThis EDF report provides an overview of the dual water stressors of too little and too much water, the current and potential future impacts these might have on agriculture, and highlights emerging adaptation strategies to enhance resilience. This report focuses on impacts to agriculture in the western and midwestern U.S.More on:
Press release
EDF Statement on the Concrete and Asphalt Innovation Act of 2023
December 8, 2023 | Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President, Political AffairsConcrete and cement are parts of our everyday lives, from sidewalks to bridges and schools, but their production contributes significantly to overheating the planet. We must find solutions for energy-intensive industries like these to reduce their climate pollution.More on: