Tony Kreindler 202/572-3378, 202/210-5791 (cell)
John DeCicco 734/424-3742

This statement should be attributed to John DeCicco, Detroit-based Senior Fellow at Environmental Defense:

“This is a major breakthrough. These companies see the urgent need to make deep cuts in global warming pollution. Automobiles have always been at the center of the climate change debate — and getting this leading industry’s support for a national cap on carbon represents a major shift.

This demonstrates that passing cap and trade legislation in this Congress is not only necessary, but very realistic. With GM and Ford supporting an economy-wide cap on carbon, we now believe the congressional leadership won’t settle for anything less.

The details of an economy-wide climate protection policy are, obviously, extremely important. It is crucial that the policy be fair to all parties, especially to American consumers. We expect automakers to do their fair share to provide America with the technological innovations of which they are capable, and do so in ways that contribute to cutting oil use and carbon emissions from car and light trucks on a timetable that protects the climate. We look forward to continuing to work with automakers and all other interest parties to develop a fair and effective policy to handle cars under an economy-wide cap.”

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