(Phoenix, AZ) — Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs today announced a $60.3 million investment to protect Arizona’s water supply, focusing on conservation, advanced technology, infrastructure improvements, and water sustainability to address critical water challenges across the state.

“This is exactly the kind of support Arizonans need,” said Chris Kuzdas, Director, EDF Action, Arizona. “Arizona’s finite groundwater resources and aging water systems are under increasing pressure from megadrought and voracious out-of-state interests. For far too long disadvantaged communities have had to bear the brunt of the state’s rising water insecurity. These investments are a welcome, much-needed step to a more secure water future for all Arizonans.”

The investments announced by the governor are drawn from ARPA ​​funds allocated at the end of 2024 for spending in 2025 and are not subject to the federal funding freeze.

More on the governor’s announcement.

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Jonathan Seefeldt
(512) 691-3414