(WASHINGTON – April 10, 2024) Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued national drinking water standards for several harmful per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known as “forever chemicals.” These PFAS are highly toxic at very low levels, are associated with cancers, liver and heart toxicity and can harm pregnant women and the development of infants and children.

The Biden-Harris Administration action will reduce the exposure to these forever chemicals for millions of people. The final rule requires that regulated public water systems complete their initial monitoring for the PFAS subject to the rule within three years and implement solutions to reduce PFAS in their drinking water.  

“EPA used the best available science as the basis for setting drinking water standards for these toxic PFAS. In setting these enforceable limits, EPA considered our exposure to multiple of these PFAS at once, which can help provide a more complete picture of health risks and inform standards that are truly protective of our health. EPA’s action today is the most significant step to date to safeguard public health from these pernicious forever chemicals.”

  • Maria Doa, Senior Director, Chemicals Policy 

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Lexi Ambrogi
(973) 960-0073