Environmental Defense today praised the appointment of Greensboro attorney Bill Ross as secretary of the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, saying the North Carolina native will bring “strong environmental credentials and a balanced view” to preserving and protecting the state’s environment.

“Bill Ross is well versed on the environmental issues that are important to North Carolina, and his ability to fashion creative and equitable solutions is widely respected by those who have worked with him in both the environmental community and the business sector,” said Jane Preyer, director of the North Carolina office of Environmental Defense, a national nonprofit organization which champions scientific and economic solutions to environmental problems. “Time after time, he has demonstrated his talent and expertise by skillfully negotiating effective, long-lasting solutions that protect our environment and public health while safeguarding economic interests.”

“Gov. Easley’s administration and the General Assembly have a number of important challenges facing them: pollution from factory hog farms and outdated power plants, improving air and water quality, protecting coastal resources and fisheries, and preserving the diversity of our forests lands,” said Dan Whittle, senior attorney with the North Carolina office of Environmental Defense. “Bill Ross brings strong environmental credentials and a balanced view to the table. We salute Gov. Easley for appointing a conscientious steward of the state’s environment to lead the department.”

One of the world’s leading international nonprofit organizations, Environmental Defense Fund (edf.org) creates transformational solutions to the most serious environmental problems. To do so, EDF links science, economics, law, and innovative private-sector partnerships. With more than 3 million members and offices in the United States, China, Mexico, Indonesia and the European Union, EDF’s scientists, economists, attorneys and policy experts are working in 28 countries to turn our solutions into action. Connect with us on Twitter @EnvDefenseFund