(RALEIGH, NC – July 27, 2017)  This afternoon North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper signed the Competitive Energy Solutions Act (H.B. 589). The new law will create a number of new competitive market opportunities for clean energy businesses in North Carolina, as well as provide greater choice and access to clean energy for customers. The original bill was the result of nearly a year of negotiations among stakeholders representing North Carolina’s business community, electric utilities, clean energy business representatives, consumer advocates, and environmental groups. The final version of the bill includes a temporary freeze on state permits for new wind energy projects.

“North Carolina’s clean energy business sector contributes nearly $7 billion annually to the state’s economy and provides more than 34,000 jobs. Governor Cooper’s support of the Competitive Energy Solutions Act is a step forward for affordable, clean, and reliable energy in the state, and puts into place pro-growth clean energy policies that will help deliver on North Carolinians’ growing demand for healthier and safer energy sources.”

 “While it is disappointing that the moratorium on new wind energy projects was included by lawmakers, we are confident the Competitive Energy Solutions Act will enhance North Carolina’s role as a clean energy leader.”

 “House Speaker Tim Moore, and Representatives John Szoka and Dean Arp deserve credit for their leadership in convening stakeholders and championing this pro-growth clean energy policy in the state legislature.”

 “EDF applauds Governor Cooper’s commitment to ensuring that North Carolina remains an attractive location for wind energy companies to invest in our communities, create jobs and grow our state’s economy over the longer term, as reflected in Executive Order 11, Promoting Wind Energy Development.

  •  David Kelly, Manager, North Carolina Political Affairs

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Debora Schneider
(212) 616-1377