“Building a healthier, safer environment for the communities most impacted by pollution requires committed leaders who are willing to tackle environmental injustice head-on. We thank Sen. Booker and Rep. McEachin for introducing legislation today to clean up many of the worst sources of legacy pollution that have plagued these communities for generations.

“Among other important provisions, the Environmental Justice Legacy Pollution Cleanup Act of 2021 will provide funding to replace lead water pipes, remediate lead-based paint in low-income homes, replace air polluting school buses with zero-emission buses, and fund urban tree planting initiatives to plant tens of millions of trees in low-income communities.

“Lead service lines – the lead pipes connecting homes to drinking water mains under the street – are more likely to be located in low-income communities and communities of color. Exposure to lead has been shown to cause harm to children’s brain development as well as putting adults at higher risk of heart disease. The funding in this bill will address the inequities of our country’s toxic legacy of lead service lines.

“This bill also strives to improve air quality by replacing most diesel school buses with zero emission school buses in the most disadvantaged school districts. Diesel school buses emit high levels of pollution, leading to dirty air that puts children – especially in low-income communities – at risk for respiratory illness, heart disease and reduction in cognitive performance.

“Sen. Booker and Rep. McEachin have long been champions for environmental justice, and we applaud them for their continued leadership in the fight for clean air, clean water and healthy communities for everyone.”

  • Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President for Political Affairs

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Ben Schneider
(202) 572-3279