Our Remote office

Staff experts in the Remote office

  • Deylami, Neda Manager, Vehicle Electrification

    Areas of expertise: State electric vehicle policy, charging infrastructure, equity

  • Eurich, Jacob Small-Scale Fisheries Solutions Scientist

    Areas of expertise: Climate change and fisheries, indicators of ocean health and fisheries status, sustainable and resilient blue food systems, applied marine ecology, Asia-Pacific

  • Farrag-Thibault, Angie Associate Vice President, Global Transportation

    Areas of expertise: Sustainable freight solutions; multi-stakeholder collaboration; scope 3 emissions accounting; corporate social responsibility

  • Glover, Nicholas Vice President, Build to Zero

    Areas of expertise: Economic development, climate change advocacy and private sector engagement

  • Gu, Nini Regulatory & Legislative Manager, West

    Areas of expertise: Air quality, oil and gas Emissions, and methane monitoring

  • Haukebo, Sepp Senior Manager, Global Fisheries Initiatives

    Areas of expertise: Fisheries management, marine science policy, marine conservation, environmental education

  • Henneberger, Bärbel Senior Partnerships Manager

    Areas of expertise: Amazon Rainforest, environmental monitoring, tropical ecosystem restoration, community level capacity building, territorial mitigation and adaptation, REDD+, Jurisdictional REDD+, Indigenous Peoples and local community partnerships

  • Hoang, Mai Lan Climate-Smart Agriculture Research Analyst

    Areas of expertise: Data analysis, data visualization, data-driven communication, agriculture supply chain sustainability, corporate sustainability, forest-risk commodities

  • Howard Calhoun, PhD , Tonya Director, Community Engagement

    Areas of expertise: Environmental justice, environmental public policy, advocacy, community outreach and community engagement

  • Johnson, Lauren Senior Analyst, Equity and Climate Justice

    Areas of expertise: Net zero, environmental and climate justice, qualitative and critical research methods, qualitative data analysis, geospatial analysis, strategic visioning/planning, curriculum design, environmental health, climate and health