(Sacramento, CA – March 4, 2025) The Groundwater Accounting Platform — an increasingly popular water management tool for growers and water resource professionals — has released its source code in a new public repository on GitHub. The code is now open to software developers, consultants, academics, and agencies who can help customize and expand the platform's use. 

Named the Qanat Project — after the ancient Persian qanat systems that brought groundwater to the surface via horizontal wells — the new repository represents a modern approach to time-tested water management practices. While the platform’s source code has always been available upon request, the GitHub repository streamlines access, inviting broader collaboration and innovation to tackle water management challenges. 

 By contributing to and expanding the platform’s functionality, users can develop and share custom solutions that address unique community water needs. The platform also integrates with the open-source Groundwater Evaluation Toolbox (GET) to provide scenario planning and forecasting modules. 

The Qanat Project is publicly available on GitHub at github.com/esassoc/qanat-community

About the Groundwater Accounting Platform 

Developed collaboratively by the Environmental Defense Fund, the California Water Data Consortium, Environmental Science Associates, and Olsson, the Groundwater Accounting Platform offers a robust, user-friendly tool for tracking water availability and use in near-real time, providing water managers, growers, and landowners with essential data down to the parcel level. By integrating information from diverse data sources like satellite imagery, flow meters, and sensor networks, the Platform supports precise water budgeting and scenario planning, helping California’s Groundwater Sustainability Agencies and other partners plan and respond to fluctuating water conditions. 

To access the Platform, visit groundwateraccounting.org

Points of Contact 

Request a Platform Demo | John Burns – jburns@esassoc.com 

U.S. Platform Coordination and Outreach | Noa Bruhis – nbruhis@edf.org 

California Platform Coordination and Outreach | Hannah Ake – hake@cawaterdata.org 

Modeling, Scenario Planning, and Groundwater Evaluation Toolbox | Jim Schneider – jschneider@olsson.com 

General Platform Questions | info@groundwateraccounting.org 

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