(Chicago, IL – December 14, 2023) The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) today rejected long-term plans by the state’s two largest utilities and directed them to resubmit plans that will prioritize climate and community benefits as required by Illinois law.

The ICC voted down multi-year grid plans from Commonwealth Edison, more commonly known as ComEd, and Ameren Illinois. The commission also slashed the two utilities’ multi-year rate plans. In both cases, the decisions were because the plans did not meet the criteria of the state’s Climate and Equitable Jobs Act of 2021 (CEJA), including transparency and meaningful consideration of environmental benefits and community input.

“The ICC took a bold step today that will help bring Illinois into a cleaner, safer, and more equitable energy future,” Curt Stokes, senior attorney for Environmental Defense Fund, which had called for the commission to modify the two plans. “We need all Illinois utilities to set long-term plans that harness abundant, affordable clean energy so we can address the climate crisis and keep families safe.”

EDF worked with technical experts and community leaders who testified about deficiencies in the utilities’ plans that failed to deliver on CEJA’s promise of clean energy at affordable rates and equitably sharing the benefits of the energy transition with all utility customers, as the law requires, and to ask the ICC to modify the utilities’ plans.

Today the ICC took a step further and rejected parts of the plans entirely. Chairman Doug Scott said right before the vote that “Initial grid and rate plans that adhere to the dictates of CEJA will lead us to an energy transition that is good for all.”

The ICC directed the utilities to work with stakeholders, sufficiently consider feedback already submitted by parties to the proceedings, and then refile their plans in three months.

With more than 3 million members, Environmental Defense Fund creates transformational solutions to the most serious environmental problems. To do so, EDF links science, economics, law, and innovative private-sector partnerships to turn solutions into action. edf.org

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Sharyn Stein