(NEW YORK – Nov. 29, 2023) – Today, the Traffic Mobility Review Board issued its recommendation to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority board on the Manhattan Central Business District Tolling Program, otherwise known as congestion pricing. The six-member panel released its recommended tolling structure, which contains credit, exemption and surcharge specifications.

“The recommendations by the TMRB were made to ensure New York’s congestion pricing program serves the best interests of the region while guaranteeing the necessary funding for the Capital Plan,” said Mary Barber, Director, New York and New Jersey. “Now, we look to the MTA board to vote to solidify these recommendations and usher in this comprehensive, first-in-the-nation transit solution.”

Congestion pricing will raise $1 billion per year toward funding widespread improvements and upgrades to regional public transportation via the MTA’s 2020-2024 Capital Plan.

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(415) 293-6088